Facilities and processes

MUNDOBARQUILLO has extensive facilities and flexible and innovative production processes in the sector , allowing it to make available to the demands of its customers with a large production capacity and customizing wafers , tulips, crepe dentelle , cubanitos , Neulas , tubular etc …

The organization of its facilities and the optimization of the operations area makes MUNDOBARQUILLO to offer flexible terms tailored to customer needs delivery and product adaptation as desired by the distributor or manufacturer always respecting the values artisanal wafer processing and customer philosophy

MUNDOBARQUILLO All products are manufactured under the criteria of craftsmanship combined with existing processes that ensure their quality and quantity necessary to adapt to customer demands . The company has the following certifications of quality in their processes and products.

This attention to detail has earned it the following awards and accolades :

Most Innovative Company Award 2014. CEEI Alcoy Business Development Award. Business Creation Award 2013
trofeo 2014ceei 2014 trayprofeCEEI 2013

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